Westpark Helpful Dental Articles

Dr. Brian Gallagher Joins West Park Dental

At West Park Dental we are a father-son practice, and I enjoy working with my father in part because he is such a good teacher. I find it refreshing and beneficial that we each care about one another as father and son in addition to working as colleagues.

I have been in practice with my father, Dr. Michael Gallagher for about one year. Growing up, I spent time here at the office—and I actually did the landscaping that the patients enjoy so much. My mother also works here, so there is much history and sentimentality in this location and the practice itself. Eventually I worked my way into the family business when I got my dental degree.

Private dental practice is very different than dental school. In the University setting students do not have the opportunity to see patients as frequently as I do here in the practice where I see patients all day every work day. Dental school provided a great foundation for me, however, and now I greatly enjoy being in practice where I can take individual skills and techniques learned in school and expand upon them to become expert, learning how to bring everything together in a business. The business side of practice is not an essential part of dental school and often does not get the attention it deserves. I am fortunate to have a father who has been in a successful practice for 30 years. He is showing me the ropes and helping me grow as a practitioner as well as a business person.

Learning the business side and expanding the clinical aspects of dentistry that I learned about in my training have been the biggest challenges in this first year as well as being the best part of this year. I have my dad and the others here in the practice to thank for giving me this opportunity. West Park Dental has a very supportive, family atmosphere that benefits all of us who work here and the patients we serve.

Dr. Brian Gallagher
West Park Dental
Cleveland, OH

New Patients Welcome

Posted 09/12/16

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