Health Risk Sleep Evaluation

Sleep Apnea

Do you find yourself waking at night gasping for breath? Are you exhausted all day long because you just can't get a good night's sleep?

'Apnea' is a Greek word meaning "without breath"; people who have apnea literally stop breathing in their sleep. A cessation of breath lasting for 10 seconds in adults, or 2 and 1/2 breath cycles in a child, is the clinical definition of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is very common and affects more than twelve million Americans, according to the National Institute of Health. Sleep apnea can strike anyone at any age, even children. Yet the lack of awareness by the public and healthcare professionals leads to the vast majority of sufferers remaining undiagnosed and therefore untreated. This serious disorder can have significant consequences increasing the risk for heart attack, stroke, diabetes and other serious illnesses.

Choosing a sleep-disorders dentist who is qualified to work with your physician is essential to your health or the health of a loved one. The dentist you choose to treat your problem with sleep disordered breathing must be properly educated and have adequate experience in treating this disorder. While any dentist can legally treat snoring and/or sleep apnea with an oral appliance, Dr. Gallagher has the necessary experience and training to provide the right therapy for your problem. That makes our Cleveland Dentsits a wise choice.

Dr. Michael Gallagher has all of the qualifications required for treatment of sleep apnea:

HEALTH RISK Sleep Evaluation

I am answering for:

Myself Spouse/Partner Other

I snore:
Yes No

I am tired, fatigued or sleepy during the day:
Yes No

I have used a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure):
Yes No

My snoring is loud:
Never(0) Infrequently (1) Frequently (2) Most of the time (3)

Snoring affects my relationship:
Never (0) Infrequently (1) Frequently (2) Most of the time (3)

My snoring causes me or my partner to be irritated/sleepy during the day:
Never (0) Infrequently (1) Frequently (2) Most of the time (3)

My snoring requires me to sleep in a separate room:
Never (0) Infrequently (1) Frequently (2) Most of the time (3)

My snoring affects other people when sleeping away from home (hotel, camping, etc.): 
Never (0) Infrequently (1) Frequently (2) Most of the time (3)

Total Score:

0 .. 1:    You are not currently experiencing symptoms for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
2 .. 3:    You have non-threatening symptoms at this time but should see your dentist if symptoms increase
4 .. 5:    Your health is at immediate risk, talk to your dentist about taking precautions
6+ .. :    You are at immediate and serious risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) - see your dentist today!    

Your Name:
Your Email Address:
Comments or Questions:

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